Monday 2 May 2011

Rivalry, Blood Feud, Banishment
by Diana Osborne
taken from the Verona Gazette
  This morning, flipping through your copy of the Times Verona, you will find a headline; Three minors dead, one banished. The Times Verona is owned by the Prince, who by request of the two upper class families, has kept identification on these four minors disclosed. However, the cirumstances that which befall this terrible mishap have been left undisclosed. As all of Verona is wondering what exactly did happen two days ago, I find it my duty to outline it as best I can.
 First of all, at around half past noon yesterday, two groups of youths that I can only find fit to call Capulets and Montagues, (surely if you are from the area, you would understand the brawl that falls underneath those two names,) confronted in the Town Square. Mercutio [last name not given], best friend to Romeo Montague, was said to have antagonized one of the members of the Capulet part, Tybalt Capulet, Prince of Cats. Tybalt, according to friends and witnesses is short tempered and drew his weapon. Mercutio and Tybalt fought, which seemingly, according to Romeo Montague, was "all in good fun". It remained that way until Mercutio was struck with a fatal blow, and the Capulet party fled. Mercutio died on his own terms. His last words were said to have been "A plague, on both your houses."
 Quite a statement to make to foreshadow what was about to happen.
 Romeo found Tybalt about a half an hour after Mercutio fell, according to Benvolio Montague, Romeo's cousin. We spoke to Juliet Capulet of what had happened.
 "Tybalt has always had a bit of a temper. He used to rough-house a bit too much when we were kids...But I don't believe he ever meant to hurt Mercutio. Romeo was obviously very upset about Mercutio's death, and I'd guess he was acting out of his emotions more than anything. He was upset. But my cousin is still dead."
 And those are also the last words we have heard from the late Juliet Capulet.
 Romeo Montague was sentenced to banishment by Verona's young Prince. The following day, Juliet Capulet was found dead in her chamber by Friar Lawrence, a man close with the Montagues and the Capulets. Lawrence said he had simply been peaking in on the bride, as she was to be wed that day. When first questioned, he said he had been in to bring her 'something blue', as she already had something old and new, and her Mother had given her her pearls.
 The Lady and Lord Capulet are stricken with grief. They had nothing to offer to the press.
 For anyone who would like to attend, Mercutio's [last name not given] funeral will be an open-casket, and there will be a public reception, however the service will remain closed. Tyablt and Juliet Capulet will be having private services with only members of their own family present.

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