Tuesday 19 April 2011

I don't think I can believe this news, not that I can't but maybe that I don't want to. I hope that this is all a nightmare, when I wake, it will never have happened. I feel so grief-stricken. My cousin, Tybalt, is dead. And worse than that, word has it that he fell at Romeo's hand! And now my father is set on my marriage to Paris, I don't think this could bcome more complex. What would my father say at the alter, or Pais for that matter, when they find out that I can't be wed, as I am already joined to someone else! Ah me, as much as I would like not to believe it, I do believe that Tybalt is dead, and at Romeo's hand, though I wish this were all some cruel joke. The rumour brought to me was that Mercutio antagonized Tybalt and bite his thumb at him, shouting disgraces to the Capulet household. My mother and father say that all Tybalt did was protect his honour, and the honour of his family. And when Mercutio fell dead, long after Tybalt left apparently, although I have also heard that he fell dead as the blade struck through him, Romeo was enraged. He found Tybalt, and they fought, long and hard, and in the end, one of them had to die.
I don't think there is reason for me now to live any longer. The day's pretenses from earlier, as much as I'd still love to believe that I could simply wake up in the morning, oblivious to all of this, I now know I can't. Romeo has now been exhiled. The Montague and the Capulet households have had it out, and the Prince will not withdraw his sentence of banishment from Romeo's name. The man seemed to be mortified by how far our households' feuds have gone. Now not only must I marry Paris, I am never to see my husband again. My mother seemed so thilled saying how at the church, Paris would make me there a joyful bride. Who can she kid! Paris would not, could not make me a joyful bride, not if he were called Romeo. You can call a skunk cabbage a rose, but it will still smell of skunk. Ah, there is no reason to live without Romeo. I'd rather die than live this life without him.


  1. Cool story, you're getting married to paris.

  2. Why would you rather die without our Romeo and lies, all of them! it was Tybalt out of rage that had killed Mercutio. Why did Mercutio had to die out of someone's rage. Ugh!

  3. Romeo = Dirtbag.

    Paris = Husband.

  4. Forgive me for being sceptical, but I doubt that you really love him so. Even if you do, do you not see how close you are to a tragedy? Move on, it’s for the better.

  5. It is an honour to have bled Capulet blood. I would have much rather died a Capulet then to have lived and be a Montague.

  6. I miss you Juliet, I wish you and Romeo could have just been together :( . R.I.P i wish you the best.
