Tuesday 19 April 2011

I don't think I can believe this news, not that I can't but maybe that I don't want to. I hope that this is all a nightmare, when I wake, it will never have happened. I feel so grief-stricken. My cousin, Tybalt, is dead. And worse than that, word has it that he fell at Romeo's hand! And now my father is set on my marriage to Paris, I don't think this could bcome more complex. What would my father say at the alter, or Pais for that matter, when they find out that I can't be wed, as I am already joined to someone else! Ah me, as much as I would like not to believe it, I do believe that Tybalt is dead, and at Romeo's hand, though I wish this were all some cruel joke. The rumour brought to me was that Mercutio antagonized Tybalt and bite his thumb at him, shouting disgraces to the Capulet household. My mother and father say that all Tybalt did was protect his honour, and the honour of his family. And when Mercutio fell dead, long after Tybalt left apparently, although I have also heard that he fell dead as the blade struck through him, Romeo was enraged. He found Tybalt, and they fought, long and hard, and in the end, one of them had to die.
I don't think there is reason for me now to live any longer. The day's pretenses from earlier, as much as I'd still love to believe that I could simply wake up in the morning, oblivious to all of this, I now know I can't. Romeo has now been exhiled. The Montague and the Capulet households have had it out, and the Prince will not withdraw his sentence of banishment from Romeo's name. The man seemed to be mortified by how far our households' feuds have gone. Now not only must I marry Paris, I am never to see my husband again. My mother seemed so thilled saying how at the church, Paris would make me there a joyful bride. Who can she kid! Paris would not, could not make me a joyful bride, not if he were called Romeo. You can call a skunk cabbage a rose, but it will still smell of skunk. Ah, there is no reason to live without Romeo. I'd rather die than live this life without him.

Monday 11 April 2011

So, I thought I'd be going to bed last night, but while I was outside on my balcony to get some air, guess who I found sneaking around my garden? If you guessed Romeo, you're right. Yes, I was out there on my balcony, actually talking to myself about you know who, and he showed up mid-thought.  Rather embarrassing, and I just know he heard everything I was saying. I think he might have had a bit too much to drink at my family's party last night, because he was kind of like all over me. And don’t get me wrong, it felt great, but I’d rather be all over each other without toxins to effect it. So I told him, because you know I do have a thing for him...Actually I think I love him, I told him to send word at nine tomorrow, and I suppose I’ll have to be sending my nurse to meet him, I really wouldn’t want to get caught meeting with him myself, and there’s simply no way I’d be able to escape my house by the hour of nine. Now I'm really going to bed. I really hope Romeo shows up to meet my nurse tomorrow because I might not even be able to get to sleep tonight, I'm so excited!

So he showed up! It was hard to get it out of nurse, but he did! Romeo showed up to meet my nurse and now I shall be getting married! We are getting married today at Friar Lawrence's church, but I'll write more later as I must go to meet Romeo. Romeo. I love the way his name sounds. Yes, I’ll write more after I become a Montague. This almost seems wrong, but it doesn’t. I just love him so much, I just know this is right.

Juliet is in love :)

Tuesday 5 April 2011

This morning my mother told me that I am to marry Paris. He is self-centered and rich apparently. I want to marry for love if I am even to marry at all! It is an honour I wish not for, as I told my nurse. And then, even worse, he was to attend the party that my father was throwing tonight. And he did! But that is not what stands out to me for that evening; I met a boy at the party. I did not know it at the time but he is a Montague. I thought that I had found love and now that is to be taken from me. Maybe not love, but he kissed by the book. It doesn't matter anyway, I am not going to marry Paris and I shall maybe die alone. Mother says she married young, but in this day, I do not believe I have to. Maybe I can get to know Romeo better. Oh yes, that was his name, by the way. Romeo Montague. I hear only that the Montagues are violent and they cause riot among the Capulets, even in the streets, in the middle of the day. I just hope that Romeo is not that way. If I found love in him, a Montague, although it would outrage my father and mother, I would refuse that Capulet part of me. Or perhaps these are the thoughts of a young girl who thinks she is in love. Perhaps the very fact that he and I stand on opposite sides of a wall that is our families' feud is what shall prevent us from ever learning any more about each other, and of what we could have together. Anyway, the party is over now and I was about to draw a bath for myself. Perhaps tommorow will bring the pleasantries it has brought me today, excluding the sores that it has brought me in addition.