Monday 11 April 2011

So, I thought I'd be going to bed last night, but while I was outside on my balcony to get some air, guess who I found sneaking around my garden? If you guessed Romeo, you're right. Yes, I was out there on my balcony, actually talking to myself about you know who, and he showed up mid-thought.  Rather embarrassing, and I just know he heard everything I was saying. I think he might have had a bit too much to drink at my family's party last night, because he was kind of like all over me. And don’t get me wrong, it felt great, but I’d rather be all over each other without toxins to effect it. So I told him, because you know I do have a thing for him...Actually I think I love him, I told him to send word at nine tomorrow, and I suppose I’ll have to be sending my nurse to meet him, I really wouldn’t want to get caught meeting with him myself, and there’s simply no way I’d be able to escape my house by the hour of nine. Now I'm really going to bed. I really hope Romeo shows up to meet my nurse tomorrow because I might not even be able to get to sleep tonight, I'm so excited!

So he showed up! It was hard to get it out of nurse, but he did! Romeo showed up to meet my nurse and now I shall be getting married! We are getting married today at Friar Lawrence's church, but I'll write more later as I must go to meet Romeo. Romeo. I love the way his name sounds. Yes, I’ll write more after I become a Montague. This almost seems wrong, but it doesn’t. I just love him so much, I just know this is right.

Juliet is in love :)


  1. Oh heeey WIFE :) xoxoxoxoxoxo
    That is all.
    Love you.

  2. Why did you have to fall for a stupid Montague? You fell for his damn tricks. He just wants to intensify the hate between our families. Well it will work. There shall be hate and fights. This will end.

  3. Congradulations! I hope you two are happy together. How are you going to tell your mother? If you want we could drug her up a bit first. Best of luck with all your upcoming problems!

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  4. Juliet, my dear, trust your head, trust ME. This is wrong. Completely absurd, you and Paris are the OTP

    (One True Pairing... IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW)

  5. Romeo can’t love you! I know Romeo, and there is no way that he would love a Capulet. He must be playing a joke of some sort, which will be a first for the lad.

  6. Jullliiiettt my new cuzzz. Congrats on becoming part of the fammm. Hope to see you soon, then we can figure out what the duck happened :)

  7. You! Becoming a Montague! Over Romeo's dead body!

  8. NO, NEVER! You dare set your eyes on Romeo again and I'm going to lock you up for good.
